Learning Disability Annual Health Checks
People with a learning disability often have poorer physical and mental health than other people. This does not need to be the case.
The Annual Health Check is an opportunity for medical assessment and treatment planning, but also for holistic care and consideration of a person’s quality of life. Learning disability is not of itself an illness and people with learning disability have rights, needs and hopes as does everyone. Many people with learning disability lead busy lives, have paid or voluntary work and good social lives. However, people with learning disability can suffer health and social inequality and every contact, every Annual Health Check and Health Action Plan can help identify and reduce the inequalities.
The Children, Young people and Families Team have been supporting our Gateshead Practices in raising awareness of Learning Disability Annual Health Checks.
Our latest promotional material gives an overview of what it is like to attend for an annual health check and we have captured the voice of one of our young people who has been attending for their health check for the last 2 years, and who explains the benefits of attending.